13 July 2007

ode to pr, signed Josh

After sitting in front of the computer the last few days reviewing a Fire Management Plan for the Caribbean Islands National Wildlife Refuge complex, it’s become apparent that I am going to have to travel back down to PR for work. Now that we have the final pieces in place it looks like we will be able to go down and burn a lagoon that is infested with cattails due to the high amounts of fertilizer run off that find their way into the lagoon from neighboring agriculture lands. I love the land of PR, I dig the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells. The people are pretty good too (there are bad apples everywhere). My biggest problem is that when I get to the islands it’s all work and no play, this is not a good thing. I need to make a change and hopefully by the time I head down there I will have my new surfboard, and I will force myself to take a day or two off to hit the water. I know it’s not the best time of the year to catch the surf there, but anything to get away from work for a day while down there would be great.

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