20 August 2007

Volcan de Fuego: Part Deux

[8-20-07] Mom - Volcan de Fuego erupted again today and it was amazing. I was out on my deck studying and my tutor, Alenka, just sort of gasped and stared. She yelled for Thelma, the maid who has worked for this family for four years. I watched the young girl's face and realized that Thelma lives in a pueblo on the other side of the volcan. Most of the native Maya who work in Antigua walk into the city every day from villages built in the mountains and near the volcanoes because they can't afford to live here. Nobody said anything for a while, we just sat back and watched Mother Nature rip. Love, Jessie


lackofintellect said...

You are so lucky to see volcanoes!!!

Keep on posting!

Marty B. said...

You should set a weekend to climb Volcan de Aqua. That would be a cool site. You'd get a close look at Fuego and Lago de Amatitlan.